TD Tso is a writer, editor, cultural practioner & organizer

Her work enmeshes the personal with the political,
truth- and storytelling with advocacy.

Based in Lenapehoking (Brooklyn)

Writing & Editing Samples

Community Composting Syllabus (2024)
supported by The Laundromat Project

8Lives Vigil (2022)
Red Canary Song

Informal, Criminalized, Precarious: Sex Workers Organizing Against Barriers (2021)
Hacking//Hustling and more

Hear Us Rise: APA Voices in Feminism (2020)
Wing Luke Museum

Scamming The Patriarchy (2019)
New Museum

Queering Asian American Feminism (2018)

For more clips, organizing and work samples, please refer to my CV.

Organizing & Educating